Common FAQ.

Below are the most frequently asked questions at

How to choose a calendar?

We have a very good collection of selected calendar formats that suits all your needs. We give give you monthly calendars and yearly calendars. If you have something to note down and follow up go for the monthly calendars with more space. If you want to have a glimpse of the entire year the choose the calendar that has 12 months printed on one page. When you want to view the calendars from a far off place then you may need a calendar with dates of a larger size. In such case go for wall calendars that which has each month on a single page.

What are monday start calendars?

Most of the time our work schedule starts on Monday. So, we need to prioritize our work starting from the first working day of the week. That's why we have designed some calendars with the first day as Monday instead of Sunday.

Will you give us the printed copy of the calendars?

No. We provide the stuff and you can download it or print it. We do not ship any printed ccalendars as of now.

What do you mean by a layout?

While printing on the paper we can use them in vertical position or horizontal position. When the calendars are viewed horizontally it is called Landscape layout and when vertical we call it Portrait.

How to print the calendar?

You can download the calendars to your computer and print as and when required. Also you can directly print the calendars from the browser. In that case you can alter the settings of the print by altering the print properties. You can have the header, footer or remove it, you can increase or decrease margins to fit the page size and play around the print preview settings before printing the calendars.

get in touch with using the Website

If you have any questions or feedback you can get in touch with us us through our get in touch with us page or send email to :